SMARTBOX專注力擴充版 Skill Expansion Pack
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Each set of the SMART BOX series contains 1 activity book and 1 manipulative toy. The most distinguish feature of the series is its 3-level learning-by-playing design: an introduction story, self-challenging tasks, and family table games. With years of experience in developing learning materials and educational toys, we are able to exceed ordinary toy manufacturers by providing children more beneficial learning experience while playing.
To cope with the new digital era, we skipped traditional marking channels. SMART BOX went viral in one week because of experiential marketing: free samples for fans to share on FB pages, toy review videos by kids, and an exclusive webpage to elaborate product features. Such online and offline marketing strategy led to a success when launching this new product at TIBE 2017. SMART BOX was not only a big hit at TIBE, it was later introduced to Japan by Gakken, the largest educational publisher. SMART BOX is now also available in the States and Thailand.
《SMART BOX擴充版》每一盒遊戲盒裡都有「1書」+「1玩具」,書中的主角《阿布》一樣會隨著故事情節化身成不同的角色,如:船長、建築師,孩子玩遊戲時,就會更有認同感,更加投入。
《SMART BOX擴充版》分階遊戲歷程:
建議孩子先使用過SMART BOX系列產品後,再使用本系列產品,並透過家長在旁引導,等孩子了解遊戲模式後,即可自己挑戰;書中還提供親子同樂的玩法建議,一套遊戲有多重功能,讓孩子越玩越聰明!
【SMART BOX語文力擴充版】內容介紹
《遊戲重點》語文力的記憶感很重要,在幼兒階段,SMART BOX希望透過生活情境,讓孩子從認識形狀開始,了解字母的構造與語言應用;同時,利用生活化的詞彙,加深孩子的語感。本次擴充版中增加大寫字母,以及題型中新增問句句型,讓孩子可以在情境中進行問答遊戲。
階段Ⅰ 形狀認識〉了解大寫英文字的結構形狀。
階段Ⅱ 認識字母〉依照故事情節,學習大寫英文字母。
階段Ⅲ 單字練習〉依照故事情境,認識新的英文單字,並複習學過的單字。
階段Ⅳ 語言力〉依照問句描述,回答問題。